you can also call
me m a r s h . Feb 23 94' . pisces 14 yrs old .
Philippines ! :) mixed spanish ,&& proudly Pilipino [: I super love EATING
:) Fahrenheit && Jonas brothers takes the custody of my heart .
my latest addiction :D ; SPIDERMAN is my
kindy leave your URL's if you
want me to reply to your blogs :) SPAMMING is just okaii .. BUT stricktly NO
VULGAR words :} currently not doing link ex :>
LUVidabs :]
the band who owns the custody
of my heart :) . Known as Fahrenheit / Fei Lun Hai . compose of
4 very handsome && talented gentlemen
To see them personaly was my greatest dream ever !
[: It's not just addiction it's totally craze
my LOVES :>
my whole clan
FOODternity family Blogging
&& web designing Cameras
brothers Music EATING
my Domo
purse Hana Kimi
Stars ★
&& Korean fashion
Thursday, January 29, 2009 |
Time: 3:05 AM |
Yes I know it's sound weird , But that's true ! haha XD . Our adviser had her stiff neck a while ago during the 25th year celebration of our school . I was a little bit shock when I entered our room and saw her in her table , She's holding her neck . At first I was curious why , but then I investigate what's the real cause **haha ! what a term ! investigate, xp**, And I've found out that she has a stiff neck . While having our Morning Exercise , me && my classmates can't help it ! but laugh , because she really like a robot ! ahaha while she's monitoring if there's a student that do not participate , All of her body parts are moving except her neck wahaha :D We know that if she heards us ,there's a sure punishment that's waithing for us , So just forcing ourselves to not laugh out loud haha ! XD .
I know were being bad because she's our adviser , but please give us a break !
CONT ...
Okaii :] the continuation of the foundation of our school All the teachers in our school have their presentation, And one of the teachers there are Sir. Nathan a.k.a asero XD . He's the apple of the eye of ALLIA , while having their presentation , Allia can't control her self ! always shouting the name of Sir Nathan , she don't care if many students are just behind us . haha :D . We gave codename to our teacher , him , so that no one knows if were talking about asero :] . cause it's kinda awkward to know that a student are having "crush" on her teacher :) ok , back in the presentation , as i said their having the dance presentation, the teachers , While asero was dancing , one of my friend shouts : HI DADDY ! , she didn't noticed that our adviser was just infront her && she heard it ! so Sheena , was really really embarrassed ! haha XD ! she looks like tomato , BLUSHING cause of embarrassment :D
15years of age, a SENIOR student @ CDSC :] . CAMWHORE person , It was
always been my fave pastime ;) MUSIC is where I find refuge. I PLAY yet
I know when to be serious :) I prefer to hang out with my friends when I'm
down . BAD MOOD is BAD MOOD for me, but see, HAPPY is HAPPY :D I have this
"short-term memory loss", now what was I talkin' about? haha BROWNBLUERED && GREEN has always been my favee
colors ;) When it comes to the word FOODH-E-A-V-E-N is all i
can say :D :D ! kung sa pagkain lang din nmn LIVE IT
TO THE FULLEST . XD Negative thingies.. JEALOUSY is in my blood, ever
possessive at times. Ö A bit childish, but not immature a'right? These eyes of
mine are commonly "misunderstood," sometimes my friends would burst out
"Don't stare at me like that, girl!" :)) haha. Shall you ever approach me, just call
There's somethin' about HER that
1. Really fond of collecting diff. kinds of wallets and
watches .
2. A health Buff person =)
3. Superr addicted to a Taiwanese band named FAHRENHEIT and their
seniors S.H.E , Ü
4. Can speak 5 diff. languages , but not that fluent in
some XD
5. GREEN is always
been my faved color, others are pastel colors .
6. Hates reptiles *particularly their slimy skin *
7. Can able to see someone that others doesn't
see (third eye)
8. Favorite numbers are: 23 , 05 and
03 :]
9. UNICA HIJA , the only daughter among 3
children .
10. A horrible eater and laughter :D
11. Have 3 dimples :>
12. Also hates high heels !
13. For her , BRAD
PITT is the only man thet exist in Holywood ?
14. Spider Man is
always her super hero :)
15. She have her DOMOKUN purse that she always bring
wherever she goes :))
our ROBOTIC teacher :D
Thursday, January 29, 2009 |
Time: 3:05 AM |
Yes I know it's sound weird , But that's true ! haha XD . Our adviser had her stiff neck a while ago during the 25th year celebration of our school . I was a little bit shock when I entered our room and saw her in her table , She's holding her neck . At first I was curious why , but then I investigate what's the real cause **haha ! what a term ! investigate, xp**, And I've found out that she has a stiff neck . While having our Morning Exercise , me && my classmates can't help it ! but laugh , because she really like a robot ! ahaha while she's monitoring if there's a student that do not participate , All of her body parts are moving except her neck wahaha :D We know that if she heards us ,there's a sure punishment that's waithing for us , So just forcing ourselves to not laugh out loud haha ! XD .
I know were being bad because she's our adviser , but please give us a break !
CONT ...
Okaii :] the continuation of the foundation of our school All the teachers in our school have their presentation, And one of the teachers there are Sir. Nathan a.k.a asero XD . He's the apple of the eye of ALLIA , while having their presentation , Allia can't control her self ! always shouting the name of Sir Nathan , she don't care if many students are just behind us . haha :D . We gave codename to our teacher , him , so that no one knows if were talking about asero :] . cause it's kinda awkward to know that a student are having "crush" on her teacher :) ok , back in the presentation , as i said their having the dance presentation, the teachers , While asero was dancing , one of my friend shouts : HI DADDY ! , she didn't noticed that our adviser was just infront her && she heard it ! so Sheena , was really really embarrassed ! haha XD ! she looks like tomato , BLUSHING cause of embarrassment :D
I started blogging since JULY 20, 2008. I was very curious, why
many people now are blogging ? so I tried it my self .. :) At first I was very
inocent into the cyberworld of diaries . But later on , I studied it my self :} There
were many Domain URLs i've tried like | | | and I almost forgot the others !
haha XD but later on .. Im now settled at :D
Can I get inspirations from your blog ?
~ Ask first before getting any inspirations or things here in my blog :)
2. Do you do skin request ?
~ NO , I don't . If you would like to have layouts , just click h e r e
3. Can you share your fonts with me ?
~ If you want fonts, you can go in my goodies tab :>
4. "If you don't give what I want, I'll spam you ! "
~ OK ! go :)
5. Where did you get those cute pictures and graphics ?
~ I googled it , want more resource sites ? take a look at h e r e
6. Where did you get your cute smileys ?
~ same answer as in number 5 :]
7. Can you share your current blog layout with me?
~ Definitely NO , originality is a must .
8. What programs are you using in your animations ?
~ It's easy GIF and Photoscape :)
9. How to make a layout?
~ You can learn from h e r e :)
10. Programs you used in editing your pictures ?
~ Im using Macromedia Fireworks :] Try it , it's more easy than adobe but ofcourse in adobe , You can do a lot more effects :]
11. Can you teach me how to do this/that ?
~ Depends , sometimes Im selfish too . haha ! only If I know how to , Im more than willing to teach you :))